Here’s a good recipe for Halloween, and a good one to get kids involved, as oranges are much easier to carve than pumpkins and taste great too. My mum used to make these for Halloween for us when we were kids.

You will need:

One big orange per person. (Big oranges are easier to hollow out.)
Some jelly. One pint of jelly will do about 2-3 oranges. Red or green looks best, but pick your favourite.

Make up some jelly at least 30 mins before hand, so it has time to set.

Adults should help with sharp knives, and supervise etc.
Cut the top of the orange off, like a pumpkin. If you can make a little tooth to help align the lid, it’s good, but not essential.



Now you need to hollow out the oranges. I used a teaspoon and pulled it into the middle, like peeling it from the inside, then pulled it out pretty much in one go. If it doesn’t come away easily, you can just scoop it out.


Now the fun bit. Carefully cut out a spooky face, or design of your choice. Then, mush the jelly a bit, and spoon into the oranges. (Minion is assisting here)


Fill right up to the brim. (Squish the jelly down a bit, and it’ll squeeze out the holes, mmmm gory)


(I notice my minion is emptying the remains of the jelly from the bowl, into her mouth!)
Then eat! Or prepare a bit in advance, and eat later in the day.



Just like Mother used to make.

(We also tried using a grapefruit, which looked good, but was much harder to scoop out, and made the jelly taste of grapefruit, which was less than good, so I’d only recommend this for decoration, rather than for eating.)

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