Naked Cucumbers

Naked Cucumbers

If you weren’t already aware it’s #PlasticFreeJuly This is great. Finally it’s a thing and some of the big players are starting to take note that something must be done about plastics at source rather than just expecting us customers to recycle the plastics that pour...
Christmas Cake!

Christmas Cake!

Oh yes, it’s that time of year again. The countdown to Christmas starts with the creation of the cakes. This year, I had the help (hindrance) of Mini Minion, who needed lots of cuddles whilst I was baking. This recipe is adapted from Morrisons Rum-Soaked...

Announcement and Apologies

Firstly, let me apologise for not keeping this blog up-to-date over the summer. I have an excuse, and it’s a good one (I think so anyway!). We have a brand new minion! She arrived a little early and caught us unawares, but at least she avoided both my birthday...
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