Quick update on the grapefruit marmalade I made a while back.

My mum liked this one particularly, and requested a jar for Christmas. Unfortunately, I was ill and unable to do much cooking before Christmas, so I’m making it in January for her birthday.

To make it a little bit special, this time I decided to use gold flakes, after reading an article about the most expensive marmalade. Mine’s not that expensive, but pure gold isn’t cheap. It’s pretty though.

For this I used three grapefruit and two lemons, because that’s what I had in the fridge, but other than that, the recipe was the same. I left the marmalade for twenty minutes before I stirred in the gold flakes so that they and the peel didn’t float to the top. They still did a bit, but I got impatient. Still the end result is very pretty and makes a great gift.

Just need to add the labels I got for Christmas and they’ll be good to go.

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